г. Казань,
ул.Сокола, д.3

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The current microhybrid composites have physical properties that are superior to those of the composites used in the past. They meet the functional requirements much better and allow you to maintain the characteristics of natural dental tissue for an extended period. The "Enamel Plus HFO" system (manufactured by Micerium, Italy) includes universal dentins and enamels, each with different optical properties, designed to simulate natural tissues in order to obtain a more realistic reproduction of natural tissue.

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The proposed preparation of the cavity to achieve a good balance of mechanical and aesthetic properties of the restoration includes a vestibular mini-bevel, as well as an interproximal and palatal border of 90°. The small bevel should be provided with the thickness of a ball-shaped diamond bur, and the 90° limit should be provided with a cone-shaped diamond bur. The surface should be blasted with 40 micron diamond burs and polished with silicone heads to completely eliminate any prisms not supported by the enamel.

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Responding to such epidemic challenges is very difficult both organizationally and financially. The result is evaluated over time with well-organized epidemiological surveillance. According to the approved polio outbreak response plan, which arose in early October 2021, it was only possible to start the 1st round of the campaign on February 1, 2022. It was supposed to last 3 weeks and was aimed at vaccinating 140,000 children from 6 months of age with IPV. up to 6 years who missed vaccination according to the Calendar. Almost by the end of the 3rd week of the 1st round, as of February 18, 2022, only 28% of the planned number of children were vaccinated. Therefore, we decided to extend the 1st round for an additional 2 weeks, which again was not performed due to the outbreak of war. Thus, there was no actual response to polio outbreaks.

Современная адгезивная техника, благодаря микрогибридным составам последнего поколения, позволяет даже в случаях сильных потерь зубной ткани, например, при кариесе или травмах, сохранить как можно больше оставшейся ткани зуба. Это позволяет, в свою очередь, добиться продолжения жизненного цикла поврежденных зубов по сравнению с традиционными, более разрушительными методами, например, металлическими или керамическими коронками. Эти консервативные решения позволяют нам добиться эстетических результатов, сравнимых с результатами протезирования или в несколько раз превосходящих их.

Маджахедов  Иван Васильевич
Иван Васильевич
Главный врач клиники, стоматолог-ортодонт, стоматолог-ортопед, стоматолог терапевт.
Антон Игорович
Алексей Викторович
Стоматолог-хирург, стоматолог-терапевт

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Плазмолифтинг десен (5 процедур+чистка) 23 900 ₽

Профессиональная чистка + отбеливание 12 500 

Композитные виниры 6 800 

Элайнеры 83 200



г. Казань,
ул.Сокола, д.3

Будни 9:00 - 21:00

Суббота 10:00 - 18:00

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