Онлайн консультация по фотографии
Выберите удобный для Вас мессенджер и проведите консультацию с доктором
КонтактыВаш первый шаг Доставка цветов и подарков Уварово. . операция обвисшего века The left column of the Color Chart shows the four basic shades (BC - 1, 2, 3, 4), and the right column shows the names of the masses that exist in the seven shades. Then the brightness is determined, which determines the degree of luminescence of the hue: black has zero luminescence, and white has maximum luminescence. The value depends on the thickness, water content and mineralization of the enamel. The thicker the enamel layer, the lower its mineralization, the greater the brightness for a given tooth - for example, in children with plaster-white teeth. On the contrary, in older patients, the enamel thins, revealing more mineralized layers that look like glass with a predominantly gray color. We distinguish three types of enamel (children, adults and elderly patients): high brightness (GE3), medium brightness (GE2) and low brightness (GE1). The Color Table contains three values (1, 2, 3), which correspond to low (1), medium (2) and high (3) enamel brightness. These three numbers are represented in tonalities from gray (1) to cool white (2) and milky white (3) to remember the meaning. The most appropriate area for determining this value is the middle third.
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ЗаписатьсяНаши специалисты
Иван Васильевич Главный врач клиники, стоматолог-ортодонт, стоматолог-ортопед, стоматолог терапевт.
Алексей Викторович Стоматолог-хирург, стоматолог-терапевт
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Профессиональная чистка + отбеливание 12 500 ₽
Композитные виниры 6 800 ₽
Элайнеры 83 200 ₽
г. Казань,
ул.Сокола, д.3
Будни 9:00 - 21:00
Суббота 10:00 - 18:00
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