г. Казань,
ул.Сокола, д.3

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Реагирование на такие эпидемические вызовы очень сложны как организационно, так и финансово. Результат оценивается с течением времени при хорошо организованном эпидемиологическом надзоре. Согласно утвержденному плану реагирования на вспышку полиомиелита, возникшему в начале октября 2021 г., удалось только 1 февраля 2022 г. начать 1-й тур кампании. Он должен был длиться 3 недели и имел целью вакцинировать ИПВ 140 тыс. детей в возрасте от 6 мес. до 6 лет, пропустивших вакцинацию согласно Календарю. Практически к концу 3-й недели 1-го тура по состоянию на 18.02.2022 г. было провакцинировано лишь 28% детей от запланированного количества. Поэтому решили продлить 1-й тур еще дополнительно на 2 недели, что снова не было исполнено в связи с началом войны. Таким образом, фактически реагирования на вспышки полиомиелита не произошло.

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It is the transition to the use of IPV in Ukraine for all doses of the Immunization Schedule that should be the next task for vaccination. For this, several mechanisms can be used, including humanitarian assistance, the conclusion of planned direct contracts with vaccine manufacturers based on the needs of the required composition of vaccines according to the Calendar, in particular, taking into account the existence of modern combined vaccines with IPV, which can also be used at an older age. In the absence of combination vaccines with IPV, IPV can be used as a single vaccine.

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A separate problem is the treatment of hypertension in patients with COVID-19. The presence of a history of hypertension in patients with COVID-19 was associated with a more severe course of infection, in contrast to patients who did not have hypertension. According to modern concepts, during the COVID-19 pandemic, patients with hypertension should carefully monitor their blood pressure levels and take constantly prescribed medications. This also applies to the use of so-called blockers of the renin-angiotensin system for the treatment of patients with hypertension: angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers. A number of recent studies show that these groups of drugs not only do not increase the risk of infection with the virus, but also significantly improve the course of coronavirus disease.

Back in 2002, according to the justification of the Institute, inactivated polio vaccine (IPV) was introduced into the Immunization Calendar of Ukraine for the 1st vaccination against poliomyelitis (children continued to receive OPV for the remaining 5 doses by age). In 2006, this vaccine was also used for the second vaccination. This made it possible to first reduce and then practically stop the cases of vaccine-associated paralytic poliomyelitis in Ukraine. Since then, the issue of switching to a full IPV vaccination scheme in Ukraine has been repeatedly raised, as has been practiced for many years in all European countries, the USA, Canada, and Australia. Currently, this problem is becoming even more urgent, given both the epidemic situation and the prospects for Ukraine's accession to the EU.

Маджахедов  Иван Васильевич
Иван Васильевич
Главный врач клиники, стоматолог-ортодонт, стоматолог-ортопед, стоматолог терапевт.
Антон Игорович
Алексей Викторович
Стоматолог-хирург, стоматолог-терапевт

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г. Казань,
ул.Сокола, д.3

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